Prudential Exposure Norms and Compliance to R.B.I. Directives ( As on 31.03.2023)

Prudential Exposure Norms and Compliance to R.B.I. Directives  ( As on 31.03.2023)
1. Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) Min. 18.00% of NDTL

Maintained throughout the year


2. Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) Min    4.50% of NDTL Maintained throughout the year
3. Net Worth Min. Rs. 200 lakhs Rs. 705.98  Lakhs
4. Capital to Risk Weighted Assets Ratio (CRAR) Min. 9% shall be maintained 24.16%
Credit :
5. Credit Exposure Ceilings

Max 15% Net Owned funds per Borrower

Max. 25% of Net Owned Funds per Associates

Within the ceilings


6. Exposure to Unsecured Advances Max 10% of total Assets 0.74%
7. Priority Sector Advances Min. 60% of Adjusted Net Bank Credit 77.77%
8. Weaker Section Advances Min  11.5% of Adjusted Net Bank Credit 15.3%
9 Micro Enterprises Min. 7.50% of Adjusted Net Bank Credit 46.07%
10. i)Gross Non Performing Assets ii) Net Non Performing Assets

i) < 7% of the Total Advances

ii) <3% of the Total Advances

Gross NPA  – 2.61%

Net NPA      – 0.58%

11 Loans to Directors Not to sanction any loans after 01-10-2003 NIL
12. Credit policy & Investment policy Bank should have a clear written policy YES
13. NPA Provision requirements

Standard Assets

a)Direct Advances to Agriculture and SME sector      0.25%

b)Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Sector Advances   1.00%

c)CRE – Residential Housing Sector                          0.75%

d) All other Standard Loan Advances                         0.40%

Provisions are made adequately

100% on Loss Assets

100% on Advances – doubtful more than 3 years

30% on Advances – doubtful 1 to 3 years

20% on Advances – doubtful upto 1 year

10% on Sub Standard Advances

Provisions are made adequately