Small Business Loans

As a small business owner, your most difficult task is to find the funds to operate and expand your business. Set aside your worries and let us assist you with this quick and hassle free scheme.

This exclusive product is specially designed for small and marginal businessmen, small traders/ retail traders, book stalls, service units like hotels, hospitals, bakeries, beauty parlors, small scale industry holders for the purpose of business operations expenditure. Apply for this loan and derive the advantages of simple documentation and swift processing and disbursement.

Purpose and quantum of Loan

  •  For purchase of stock, machinery, equipment, etc. – 75% of total requirement up to maximum limit of Rs. 5.00 lakhs.


  • Hypothecation of assets purchased from bank finance
  •  Two acceptable guarantors
  •  Collateral security of immovable property for loans sanctioned above Rs. 5.00 lakhs.

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